Message from Principal

Principal Roger D. Hill

I have served as principal of Caledonia Elementary School for 47 years. Throughout these 47 years, I have dedicated myself to strive for excellence personally and as a school leader. I believe that all children can learn. The goal of Caledonia Elementary School is for each student to be successful.

Good teachers are recruited to teach the children of Caledonia. Our teachers are dedicated to providing a quality education for their students. The staff and I are dedicated to providing a school environment that fosters learning that is both safe and conducive for leaning.

Caledonia Elementary School is a Master Reading Renaissance and a Master Math Renaissance School. Reaching this level of excellence every year indicates that our students are excelling in both math and reading.

Each year I look forward to serving the parents, teachers, and students of Caledonia Elementary. I want our students to enjoy their elementary school experience. I also want all our students to strive to be the best student that they can possibly be.

Each student should accept the educational responsibility to study and complete all assignments, and the personal responsibility to grow in character.


Roger D. Hill, Principal