ELI 1:1 Teacher Resources

Schoology Resources

The SAMR Model

The SAMR Model, developed by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, describes technology integration through four levels defined as follows:

  1. Substitution: Technology is used as a direct substitute for what you might do already, with no functional change.
  2. Augmentation: Technology is a direct substitute, but there is functional improvement over what you did without the technology.
  3. Modification: Technology allows you to significantly redesign the task.
  4. Redefinition: Technology allows you to do what was previously not possible.

See the video and article below for more information -

Where do you start?

Are you looking at the new technology and wondering how it can be used in your classroom?

Tech and Project Based Learning

Technology Integration Activities

Here is a great article that shows how to integrate tech activities in to your classroom- there are even different levels shown i.e. Elementary, Middle School and High School

K-12 Curriculum for Cyber Smart Lessons

Common Sense Media offers free digital literacy and citizenship curriculum to help educators empower their students and their school communities to be safe, responsible, and savvy as they navigate this fast-paced digital world.
